Tonight I visited Marye's Heights in Fredericksburg, VA, This is the sight of some of the bloodiest battles of the civil war. As well as that sight of numerous battles in the revolutionary war. During the Civil War this was the site of two major engagements, and ultimately for control of VA. The first battle was a successful defense of the Heights and the river crossing by Robert E. Lee, repelling a Union attack. The second battle, Union soldiers were victorious in taking the Heights and breaking the Confederate lines. In total more than 15,000 soldiers died in just over three weeks of combined combat, ending in a hand to hand fight for the hill top.
Walking among the heros of American History, made me wonder how many people today really appreciate the depth of the sacrifice that went before us so we can be a nation today, and for that matter, if the time came would the people of our nation once again be willing to sacrifice so much to preserve the blessings that we have here in America. Its an honor to walk among the fallen heros, but I walk with trepidation and a fear that this same caliber of hero is part of our past, and not our present or future.
I know this doesn't have much to do with photography, my hope is that the photos I share do arouse a reflection on your Blessings, our sacrifices, individually and as a nation, and our personal resolve to stand up and protect those things in life that are that valuable. So valuable that 15,000 souls are worth one hill top.
Walking among the heros of American History, made me wonder how many people today really appreciate the depth of the sacrifice that went before us so we can be a nation today, and for that matter, if the time came would the people of our nation once again be willing to sacrifice so much to preserve the blessings that we have here in America. Its an honor to walk among the fallen heros, but I walk with trepidation and a fear that this same caliber of hero is part of our past, and not our present or future.
I know this doesn't have much to do with photography, my hope is that the photos I share do arouse a reflection on your Blessings, our sacrifices, individually and as a nation, and our personal resolve to stand up and protect those things in life that are that valuable. So valuable that 15,000 souls are worth one hill top.