Thursday, October 20, 2011

Its About Time!

Well I'm waiting like a kid in a candy store for my new equipment to arrive.  Its not really mine, but I get to use it - and I'm stoked!  I'll have a chance to shoot some of the most amazing places I have ever been.   I've met up with several local photographers, and there doesn't appear to be a shortage of photography work.  I will do my best to keep photos posted on the blog here, and to tell you about my travels.  In the mean time, here are a few shots from my time here.

Monday, May 16, 2011

First Derby

Well I was blessed to be able to attend my first Kentucky Derby!  It was an amazing experience.  A friend of ours invited me to go and watch the derby from the backside of the track, with the trainers, jockeys, exercise riders, and a bunch of other people that have something to do with horses.  I myself, know nothing of horses, and the last time I even rode a horse was in Mexico in 2001!

But it was fantastic meeting all the people learning the different roles they have, and their association with racing, the Derby, and the industry.  Besides, I had track side seats with my camera to one of the most famous sporting events in the world!  I'm looking forward to going again next year!

So here are a few of my shots, to include the world famous Derby hats.  I hope you enjoy them, and if you'd like to buy a print, you can follow the link to our website.  The password for this event is DERBY.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nashville Knights Competition

Ok, finally, here are the photos from the Nashville Knights Gymnastics competition.  I'll try and get an email out to everyone from the teams to look and see if their gymnast is on here.  The link to order prints is here:  NASHVILLE KNIGHTS PRINTS . Here are a couple photos from the meet.  Enjoy and thank you for taking the time to stop by!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Honoring the Fallen

Tonight I visited Marye's Heights in Fredericksburg, VA, This is the sight of some of the bloodiest battles of the civil war. As well as that sight of numerous battles in the revolutionary war. During the Civil War this was the site of two major engagements, and ultimately for control of VA. The first battle was a successful defense of the Heights and the river crossing by Robert E. Lee, repelling a Union attack. The second battle, Union soldiers were victorious in taking the Heights and breaking the Confederate lines. In total more than 15,000 soldiers died in just over three weeks of combined combat, ending in a hand to hand fight for the hill top.

Walking among the heros of American History, made me wonder how many people today really appreciate the depth of the sacrifice that went before us so we can be a nation today, and for that matter, if the time came would the people of our nation once again be willing to sacrifice so much to preserve the blessings that we have here in America. Its an honor to walk among the fallen heros, but I walk with trepidation and a fear that this same caliber of hero is part of our past, and not our present or future.

I know this doesn't have much to do with photography, my hope is that the photos I share do arouse a reflection on your Blessings, our sacrifices, individually and as a nation, and our personal resolve to stand up and protect those things in life that are that valuable. So valuable that 15,000 souls are worth one hill top.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cheerleading HOORAY! :)

Here is the link to the Jamfest photos - the password is JAMFEST - feel free to look through them and order what you like.  If there is a product you are interested in, and it is not listed, feel free to email us, and ask.  I want to thank all of you for the opportunity to photograph this event!  Great Job girls!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Walking in Nashville

So after a week in the cold and the snow, I got out for a bit today to enjoy the sun, and relative warmth.  I broke down and went to a cheer competition to take pictures of some of our good friends, and I will admit, I had a good time.  It was significantly more challenging than I anticipated; but I think I still got a few good shots.  I'll posts my favorites here in a little bit.

But after the competition I was able to enjoy walking through the streets of Nashville and taking a few photos of the people and places I passed.  There were several groups of photographers out, and one was doing a wedding shoot.  She was kind enough to let me shoot over her shoulder, so I included those.

The last one is a group of young men who were walking to the library.  I spoke with them for a bit, and then asked to take their photo, gave them a business card and told them to check back.

In any case, it was a great day to be out and enjoy God's creation and take a few photos.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Room at The Inn

Today my daughter and I had the blessing of serving the gentlemen who are part of Room at the Inn; a ministry to homeless men in the Clarksville area.  Our home church opens their doors to host this event regularly, and this year our family has committed to volunteer more.  What an amazing time to see how God works!

So my daughter Jessamine and I took this opportunity to be the tangible touch of God this morning from 4am to 6am which turned into 8am.  Jessamine helped cook breakfast, serve and do dishes, while I enjoyed the conversation with the gentlemen that were awake this early.

What amazing stories these men have, and how sobering to think each of us is only a moment away from trading places with them.  In the words of one of the men I talked to, "Sometimes your the chicken, and sometimes your the feathers..."  It took a minute for me to gather what exactly he was saying, but the simple truth is that no matter what you have now, it can all be gone in a blink of an eye.

These men do have some serious needs, medical conditions, and circumstances that will take the love of many to work through.  But that is what we are called to do.  We don't need to preach to them that they are a product of what ever it is they have done, or that they are victims of a biased system, they don't need to be reminded of what mistakes have been made.  Talk to them for 5 minutes and you will see they remind themselves frequently enough.  What they need is to feel that God is real and tangible, and working in His church, and in the real world.  Meeting needs, helping with clothing, shelter, food, caring.

So please take a moment to say a prayer for each of these men, and the many other, including women and children that may or may not be fortunate enough today to enjoy a meal prepared by volunteers, to sleep under a blanket that was donated by someone with an extra blanket, and are walking in shoes that we have been blessed not to wear.

These last photos I captured on the way home.  The sun had been up for a bit, and there wasn't as much color in the sunrise as I'd hoped.  But I drive past this church everyday, so I thought I'd catch the rising sun on the steeple.